Article: Dreyer C., Csizmadia Sz., Titz-Weider R., et al., The Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope. II. Catalog of Variable Stars. III. Census of Variable Stars in a Puppis Field, 2018, AJ 156, 204


Article: Angerhausen D., Dreyer C., Placek B., et al., Simultaneous multicolor optical and near-IR transit photometry of GJ 1214b with SOFIA, 2017, A&A 608, 120


Talk: Dreyer, C., Studying Exoplanets with SOFIA, SOFIA Community Forum (SCF) Teletalks, 14. October 2015, SOFIA Science Center

Talk: Dreyer, C., Transit spectrophotometry of the Super-Earth exoplanet GJ 1214b with FLIPO@SOFIA, Ringberg Workshop on Spectroscopy with the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), 17. March 2015, Ringberg, DEU


Article: Rauer, H., Catala, C., Aerts, C., Appourchaux, T., Benz, W., Brandeker, A., Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., Deleuil, M., Gizon, L., Goupil, M.-J. and 150 coauthors,The PLATO 2.0 mission, 2014, ExA, 38, 249

Article: Cabrera, J., Csizmadia, Sz., Lehmann, H., Dvorak, R., Gandolfi, D., Rauer, H., Erikson, A., Dreyer, C., Eigmüller, P., Hatzes, A., The Planetary System to KIC 1442793: A Compact Analogue to the Solar System, 2014, ApJ, 781, 18

Article: Fruth, T., Cabrera, J., Csizmadia, Sz., Dreyer, C., Eigmüller, P., Erikson, A., Kabath, P., Pasternacki, T., Rauer, H., Titz-Weider, R., Abe, L., Agabi, K., Gonçalves, I., Guillot, T., Mékarnia, D., Rivet, J.-P., Crouzet, N., Chini, R., Lemke, R., Murphy, M., Transit Search from Antarctica and Chile - Comparison and Combination, 2014, PASP 126, 227

Poster: Csizmadia, Sz., Pasternacki, Th., Dreyer, C., Cabrera, J., Erikson, A., Rauer, H., Precise Planetary Parameters with PLATO, PLATO 2.0 Science Conference, 03-05. December 2014, Taormina, Italy

Poster: Fridlund, C., Cabrera, J., Csizmadia, S., Lehman, H., Dvorak, R., Gandolfi, D., Rauer, H., Erikson, A., Dreyer, C., Eigmueller, P., Hatzes, A., The Planetary System to KIC 11442793: A Compact Analogue to the Solar System, American Astronomical Society Meeting 223, 05-09. January 2014, Washington, USA


Talk: Dreyer, C., Transiting Exoplanets, 17. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, 1. November 2013, University Heidelberg

Article: Csizmadia, Sz., Pasternacki, T., Dreyer, C., Cabrera, J., Erikson, A., Rauer, H., The effect of stellar limb darkening values on the planet radii derived from photometric transit observations,2013, A&A 549, 9

Article: Fruth, T., Cabrera, J., Chini, R., Csizmadia, Sz., Dreyer, C., Eigmüller, P., Erikson, A., Kabath, P., Kirste, S., Lemke, R., Murphy, M., Pasternacki, T., Rauer, H. and Titz-Weider, R., The Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II. Catalog of Variable Stars. I. Characterization of Three Southern Target Fields., 2013, AJ 146, 136F


Talk: Dreyer, C. et al., PLATO-The next generation exoplanet finder,Sagan Summer Workshop: Working with Exoplanet Light Curves, NExScl, Pasadena, CA, USA

Poster: Dreyer, C. et al., A Homogeneous Analysis of the CoRoT-Exoplanets, Sagan Summer Workshop: Working with Exoplanet Light Curves, NExScl, Pasadena, CA, USA

Poster: Dreyer, C. et al., BEST II – A Photometric Survey Telescope in the Atacama Desert, Sagan Summer Workshop: Working with Exoplanet Light Curves, NExScl, Pasadena, CA, USA


Article: Dreyer, C., Hegmann, M., and Sedlmayr, E., Dynamics of extended AGB star envelopes, 2011, ASPC 445, 287

Article: Dreyer, C., Hegmann, M., and Sedlmayr, E., Circumstellar dust shells around long-period variables. X. Dynamics of envelopes around standard luminous, C-rich AGB stars, 2011, A&A 525, 135


Talk: Dreyer, C., Influence of AGB star envelope eigendynamics on spectral appearance, 14. September 2010, Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik Tübingen (IAAT), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Talk: Dreyer, C., Dynamics of extended AGB star envelopes, Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars II - Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, 17. August 2010, University of Vienna, Austria

PhD thesis: Dreyer, C., Dust induced nonlinear dynamics of extended C-rich AGB star envelopes


Article: Dreyer, C., Hegmann, M., and Sedlmayr, E., Circumstellar dust shells around long-period variables. IX. Dynamics of C-rich AGB star shells dominated by the exterior κ-mechanism, 2009, A&A 499, 765

Talk: Dreyer, C., Nonlinear dynamics of expanding LPV envelopes, Deciphering the Universe through Spectroscopy, Annual Fall Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, 22. September 2009, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam and University of Potsdam


Poster: Dreyer, C., Hegmann, M., and Sedlmayr, E., Dust induced non-linear dynamics of C-rich AGB star envelopes, 2008, Cosmic Dust - Near & Far,08.-12. September 2008, Heidelberg


Poster: Dreyer, C., Hegmann, M., and Sedlmayr, E., Eigenmodes of circumstellar dust shells, Cosmic Matter, Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, 24.-28. September 2007, Würzburg, 2007, AN 328, issue 8, 647